May Day greetings

Celebrate International Workers’ Day by supporting the paper that fights all cuts with a May Day greeting in the Socialist.

The Socialist appeals for greetings from trade union branches, workplace and community groups, anti-cuts campaigns, Youth Fight for Jobs groups and student societies.

Can you get a greeting agreed at your next trade union, society or campaign meeting? Or can you use the May Day appeal sheet to collect pledges from fellow workers, students, or campaigners?

Greeting rates include:

£500 for a whole page

£300 for a half-page

£170 quarter-page

£90 one-eighth

£50 one-sixteenth

£30 1/32

£20 small box

£15 for up to 30 words

£1 per word

25% discount by paying before Thursday 19 April. To order May Day appeal sheets and to give your greeting contact [email protected] or 020 8988 8781.

Send your greeting by Thursday 19 April to make sure it is displayed on 1 May.