Successful building in east London

Almost half the people attending the East London Socialist Party’s post-election meeting were not yet Socialist Party members, including four people at their first SP meeting.

We met all these people through local election campaigning in Newham and in Barking and Dagenham as part of the Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition.

One Barking TUSC candidate and RMT member, Joseph, has already joined, and with a leading Unite steward locally, is helping the branch set up a Barking sub-branch.

A socialist from Pakistan, now working and studying in London – who has also attended the Barking sub-branch – this time brought along a friend, an Indian socialist.

Everyone at the meeting was invited to future Socialist Party meetings and campaigning activities. And we will keep in touch with those people who couldn’t make this meeting but are interested in joining and want to find out more.

It was East London Socialist Party’s best attended meeting this year, even with some of the leading branch members away.

This is thanks to always having the Socialist newspaper and other socialist material with us when taking part in TUSC campaigning.

People can see how the Socialist Party stands for an internationalist socialist alternative to crisis-ridden capitalism.