Blair’s Hated Policies

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Blair’s Hated Policies

72% oppose privatisation of National Air Traffic Service

76% demand renationalisation of railways

52% oppose Labour’s handling of foot and mouth outbreak

BLAIR STILL seems hell-bent on holding the general election on 3 May. He’s disregarding cries of anguish from farmers whose livestock are being slaughtered because of the foot and mouth disease crisis.

Blair hopes to hurry to the polls before foot and mouth escalates further and before British capitalism goes deeper into recesssion, causing a rash of redundancies.

Britain is in crisis and Blair is seen as fiddling while the country burns. But New Labour’s not worried about the puny opposition from the Tories and Liberal Democrats, capitalist parties who only differ from New Labour on details.

However, opinion polls show overwhelmingly that people hate Labour policies such as privatisation, which is ruining public services and benefiting a few rich individuals while the rest suffer.

In a Guardian poll this week, 72% disapproved of the government’s dangerous plans to privatise the air traffic control service. 76% thought the railways with their appalling safety record should be brought back into the public sector.

People were angry that privatisation widened the wealth gap, giving huge dollops of cream to the fat cats and low pay to vital public-service workers.

Some unions are taking action. London Underground workers have organised strike action against the sell-off of the tubes on 29 March. Many teachers are working to rule against the way that government neglect has caused massive shortages of teachers.

Blair’s complacency can only be dented by real opposition on class lines. We need co-ordinated strike action against privatisation and potential privatisers. We also need a real political alternative to the lousy priorities of the capitalist system.

Socialist Party members are fighting the general election on a programme which includes renationalising all privatised industries under democratic working-class control and management. We say no compensation to the fat cats!

This would release money for massive investment in safety measures and service improvements and to pay public-sector workers a decent wage. If you agree with us, join the Socialist Party.

Socialist Party members are fighting the general election on a programme which includes:

Renationalising all privatised industries under democratic working-class control and management.

No compensation to the fat cats!