Kingston Hospital: Save all NHS jobs

A Socialist Party member, Kingston

Kingston Hospital in south west London has announced the closure of Derwent Ward, part of the Esher wing, which deals with rheumatology and haematology. This will mean a loss of over 20 beds from what is already a very overworked hospital.

Staff have been informed that to make £2.6 million in savings more than a third of the health care assistant posts will be lost. These are the people who carry out all the basic nursing talks that ensure people are treated with dignity.

The loss of these jobs particularly in a medical ward will have serious consequences for elderly patients who may have problems with eating and mobility.

It is also contrary to the Con-Dem government’s so-called commitment to ensuring that people are not left without proper care for extended periods. It will mean that patients will be sent home early and the responsibility of care left to their families.

As somebody who has spent time in the hospital it is clear that without care assistants the hospital would cease to function. Qualified nursing staff would not be able to carry out the additional work as they are already overstretched carrying out there own duties.

Socialist Party members locally will be involved in the campaign to keep the ward open and fight to save the jobs of desperately needed staff whose commitment ensures that patients receive the best possible care as well as medical treatment.